006: Creative LCD Screen is Much More Expensive Than My Handphone Touch Screen LCD

Monday, February 23, 2009

Okay, the truth is, I don't know how much it will cost to repair my phone's LCD touch screen if it's spoilt. But $160 for an mp3 LCD screen? Ridiculous. I have submitted my displeasure to them online (and i'm not sure if i filled in the complaint in the correct form, their website is confusing), and I hope to get a reply soon.

Anyway, I'm having one of those shitty days again. Have you ever felt that you are always one step behind in almost everything? Like when you want to get that stupid limited edition shoes, someone beats you to the last piece. That kind of one step behind. It's happening again to me (no, it's not shoes).

Why must it always happen to me? Am i too slow? No, I don't think so. If I were to rush, I would be seen as desperate. Well, i may be. But not that desperate.

Some asked me to believe in fate. If you're fated to have something, you will get it. I do believe in it. And I believe I can change it too. If we really want it, we try to get it. If I'm not fated to be rich, I'll try to get rich. If i try really really hard, maybe I'll have my dreams come true.

God is not cruel. He will answer your prayers if you try hard enough. I'm sick of people blaming fate for the shitty life that they have. Maybe they need to lose their loved ones, their money, their house, etc. Then they will know what shitty really is.

Sometimes I do have doubts, and had my faith shaken a bit. Now is that time.

Think I need to sleep it off.

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